On April 23rd, we took a significant step forward in our project to install early wildfire detection cameras. In collaboration with Santa Mónica S.A. (Estancia de Von Buchholz) and the Meliquina Volunteer Fire Department, we established an emergency communication and technology post on Cerro Espeleta. This initiative, driven by our Foundation, aims to strengthen fire prevention and response efforts in the region.
As part of this joint effort, a solar-powered cabin was installed in the Cordillera Espeleta, equipped with a VHF repeater to improve emergency communications for the Volunteer Fire Department and a monitoring camera to detect fires, operated by our prevention team. The generous contribution of Santa Mónica S.A. was essential for this achievement.
We also extend our gratitude to Hélice Sports (@heliceports) and NP Sustentable (@npsustentable).
On Friday, May 17th, a multidisciplinary team, convened by our Foundation and the Meliquina Fire Department, returned to Cerro Espeleta to install additional cameras and communication equipment, further enhancing our early warning and fire monitoring capabilities. This new technology will also strengthen VHF emergency communications across a large portion of the Ruta de los 7 Lagos.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the aviation and operations staff of the Neuquén Province (@gobiernoprovinciadelneuquen), who consistently collaborate and are always willing to help, not only institutions but also all residents and visitors of the region.
We expect to complete this important project in the coming weeks.